Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Nun - Unmentionable

This watercolor was made for this moth EBSQart Show - Unemtionables Underwear
its' a squared art 5.5 x 5.5 inches painted on Arches 14olbs paper.

There's a story below it:
There’s a way to say here in Italy that says:” The dress doesn’t make the monk”…
This paint is inspired by a fact really happened to me when I was a young girl and used to spend some days during the summer with my friend Emanuela at her home near the sea in Tuscany.
One day, I was hanging up my bikini after coming home from the beach and saw a nice g-string (quite innovative at that time) hanged there, as neither me, my friend or her mother used to use this kind of underwear I asked who was the owner of this garment.
The replay to my question was like a frozen shower to me, because I discovered that the owner was my friend’s aunt that was in vacation there too.
What shocked me was that the aunt was quite old and that she was a nun!!!
That’s quite unmentionable and if I hadn't seen it with my eyes I would difficult have believed this, in this case we can say: “the dress doesn't make the nun”


Theresa Taylor Bayer said...

Love the art, and the story. Hilarious! Great expression on the nun's face.
Your line and wash watercolors are so charming.

Unknown said...

This is wonderful Lore - and your work on the hands paid off, they are great! You've won my vote dear :)

Kathy Jurek said...

Lore, just saw this on EBSQ this morning. Too funny!

Loredana Mariotto said...

Thank you boys and girls I enjoed so much working on this that I'm thinking to make a little serie...
Unfortunaltely it's still unsold:-(