Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Border Collie Portrait Commission Rough

sketchbook rough, watercolour.

This is a rough sketch for a commission portrait of a border collie I am doing for a client. I chose an autumnal background so the colours would contrast with the almost monochrome of the dog. The most important thing was to capture that collie "look" - the way they look intently into you with such intelligence. My parents had collies so I know the look! Once I have done the finished piece I will post it - the client said he would be happy with just the rough LOL!


Theresa Taylor Bayer said...

Really nice. This is a rough? It's just dandy.

RoseAnn Hayes said...

Intense, devoted, rapt attention. Wonderful.

Lee Pierce said...

Excellent, Mark! Ready to jump off the paper ★ ★ ★

Kathy Jurek said...

I second Theresa's comment. This is really nice Mark. REALLY NICE!!! Beautiful eyes.

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone! I hope I can capture it again in the finished piece! Kathy, I've noticed you tend to like my looser work more :)