This is what I call Fun Art. People used to tell me I should be an illustrator, because I have a way with stuff like this, but I've come to realize it's not really illustration at all. It's something else. Fun Art is somewhere between fine art and illustration. Like fine art, it's an expression of the artist's own sensibilities, ideas, and themes. And like illustration, it's accessible and well, fun!
ACEO done on 140 lb watercolor paper, with watercolor and gouache.
Puss has gone out west to seek his fortune, and to help
poverty stricken cowboys strike it rich.
He's wearing hand stitched cowhide boots, faded blue
jeans, a belt with a classic big cowboy style buckle
(silver, with his initial), a brand new denim vest, a red
bandana with paisleys on it (a western tradition), and he's
cut a couple holes in his Stetson for his ears (cats are
allowed to do that).
In the picture are prickly pear cactus, a cow skull, a
blooming century plant (agave), and in the background,
distant buttes.
Puss is doing the archetypal "cowboy lean" against the
fence. He's got his lariat ready to rope some stray dogies.