I haven't participated in this blog in forever, but after I had listed it on my own blog and saw my other here, I wanted to say hello. I've never much time for "me time" being a full time working mother who is raising a two boys on my own during the week, a tball coach for my boys, taxi driver to and fro karate and art lessons for the boys, and with an ailing mother who lives too far away for me to take good enough care, it's hard to get here enough. Anyway, it seems that all I do is complain about "not having enough time" But as it is a special weekend, a weekend of Our Savior, I wanted to say to all of you here on this blog, that I have missed you and that I am wishing you all a blessed Easter holiday, and may you have the joy and love of all in your hearts and minds, today and allways, even when I'm not around I wish this for you. Pls. know that I frequent as often as I can and don't get to comment as much as I'd like, but do know that I highly admire all your works of wonderful art and am delighted to be a part of you here!
God Bless and Happy Easter and Spring!