Friday, August 20, 2010

The Armada Portrait

20×25cm , watercolor, 2010.

A painting of Elizabeth I about the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. She cradles an English Galleon, and in the background rages a stormy sea.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cassie and Mannie

8 x 10 inches, watercolor, 2010.

Every year the EBSQ have a Pet Portrait Swap - you pair up with another artist from the site and swap portraits of each other's pets. I haven't taken part for a couple of years but this year I agreed to swap with Tracey Allyn Greene as she is a big cat lover and I have the new kittens (and she does lovely work!). This painting is of two of her cats, Mannie and Cassie. They had been abandoned and were lucky enough to be found and later adopted by Tracey. I tried to convey how contented and happy they are to be with each other and with Tracey!