Friday, October 30, 2009

Candles & Flames

Today I had to take a break from landscapes and needed to do something a little different. So I came up with these candles. And they took way longer than I thought they would. Those flames are tricky for me. ;-)
ACEO 2.5 x 3.5
Elaine Originals
J. Elaine Hays

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WNW Master Challenge: Pissarro

My version of "Road at Eragny - Winter" in response to this months challenge at Watercolors WNW.

4x5 inches, watercolor on kilimanjaro

Sweet Peppers

10 x 7.5 inches, watercolor, 2009.

A still life of some red pointed sweet peppers and orange sweetbite peppers.

Monday, October 26, 2009

WnW Master Challenge: Pissarro

5 x 7 inches, watercolor, 2009.

A rendition of Camille Pissarro's "Cafe Au Lait" painted for the WnW Watercolor groups Master Challenge for October.