Sunday, March 15, 2009

Unusual technique using watercolors & twinkling H2O colors.

Well... this one was FUN!!!!
I've used the technique before, about 8 or 9 years ago, on a larger work. I've been going to do it on ACEOs but haven't seemed to get around to it. I was recently reminded of it in a current magazine, so decided to do one, and 'hit' on the idea of doing an octopus.

The auction is 3 days only.

MUST see to appreciate.
The listing had WIP photos of the process.
This shimmers with iridescent colors!

watercolor + ink
ACEO - 2.5 x 3.5" on watercolor paper.

"Deep Sea-cur"

Thanks for looking



Jacqueline ELAINE Hays said...

That process is so neat and unique. Almost looks embossed.
Really nice!

Loredana Mariotto said...

I've never seen this tecnique before, sounds inetersting and I'll give a try, the work results so different from your usual but I like it a lot. I found your latest works very impressive! BRAVA!